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Grand Jury Wikipedia

Grand Juries: Empowering Citizens to Investigate Potential Criminal Conduct


In the United States legal system, grand juries play a crucial role in ensuring the fair administration of justice. They are composed of citizens empowered by federal or state law to conduct legal proceedings and investigate potential criminal conduct.

Empowerment and Role

A grand jury is a body of laypeople, typically between 12 and 23 individuals, who are selected randomly from the community. Their primary function is to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the filing of criminal charges against a person accused of a crime.

Grand juries have the authority to subpoena witnesses and documents, interview witnesses, and examine evidence related to potential criminal offenses. They operate in a secret manner, with their proceedings conducted behind closed doors. This secrecy is designed to protect the privacy of witnesses and the integrity of the investigation.

Probable Cause Determination

After reviewing the evidence, the grand jury decides whether to issue an indictment against the accused. An indictment is a formal accusation that charges the accused with a crime. If the grand jury finds that there is probable cause to believe that the accused committed the crime, they will issue an indictment.

If the grand jury does not find sufficient evidence to support an indictment, they will issue a "no bill," effectively dismissing the charges against the accused.

Significance in the Criminal Justice System

Grand juries serve as an important check on prosecutorial power. By requiring prosecutors to present evidence to a group of citizens before filing charges, the grand jury system helps to ensure that only cases with strong evidence proceed to trial.

Additionally, grand juries play a vital role in protecting the rights of the accused. By allowing citizens to participate in the initial stage of criminal proceedings, the grand jury system ensures that the accused are treated fairly and that their rights are upheld.


Grand juries are an integral part of the Anglo-American legal system, empowering citizens to investigate potential criminal conduct and determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support criminal charges. Their secrecy ensures the privacy of witnesses and the integrity of the investigation, while their role in probable cause determination acts as a check on prosecutorial power and protects the rights of the accused.
